Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Night of the Praying Mantis - 2020-02-21

Just entering the 3rd level of a deep, deep sleep and I’m awakened by Barb screaming.

She has cornered a bug (monster) we have both seen before and would rather forget.
Perhaps it’s better stated the bug/monster had Barb cornered...

At any rate, Barb made the determination that I should spring from both my bed and my deep sleep to rescue her and the rest of humanity.
No one seems to care, I am scared of large, ugly creatures that I do not see daily back at home.

So as scared as I was (while trying to calmly explain to Barb that we need the Mexican Army) I come to the rescue...
... while trying at to retain at least some of my “man - ly” attributes...

This monster is appropriately named the “Praying Mantis.”

During the shrills and screams of my dear wife I can’t seem to urgently recall what we learned about him the last time we came face to face...
 Other than he can move his head around like the little girl in that horror movie hit called
“The Exorcist.”
It freaks me out to be calm about it.

The next thing I remembered was that
“20% of the time the female mates, she then eats her male lover.”
While I feel sad for these poor guys, this is not something that gave me much comfort in the minutes prior to battle.

I approached the situation calmly and with out much (outward appearing) fear.
Two plastic glasses, paper towel and a newspaper are my back-up.
BAM - Got em, or her.

She swings her head and stares at me like only a monster of this nature can.

I then make a decision that only a trained killer can make...
I end it.
Later I dispose of the remains outside, no one saw me run back into the house afterwards.
Now I try to go back to sleep.

That wasn’t an easy thing to do... sleep.

Now go to sleep...
Go ahead...
Oh and Sweet Dreams...

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I am sorry but I am wiping tears off my face I am laughing so hard!
    Read that out loud to Don & he is in hysterics!!!
    I'm glad you prevailed & were victorious lol 🤣🤣🤣


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