Monday, November 25, 2013

Iguanas Go Home?

The other day I was following Barb. She was driving the CRV and I was driving the motorhome. We were moving to a new campground down here on the Florida Keys.

All of the sudden the traffic stopped and there seemed to be something happening? An accident I thought or maybe a truck that dumped its load in the lane?

Cars in front and then Barb all started to change lanes so that they could move forward and then it became a sight for my old eyes to see!

There he was laying in the middle of the slow lane on the #1 Highway (the main road up and down the Keys in Florida) a large Iguana!

Was he trying to cross the road like the chicken (more on that story later) or was he simply getting a good tan away from the trees?

Prior to this we had seen several large and small Iguanas on the sides of the highway. It reminded me of my travels through Mexico. It wasn't until later I found out that they are not even native to Florida. So where did they come from, one might ask?

As it turns out the authorities believe they came in from other locations via large cargo ships (stowaways) and from pet owners that couldn't handle them anymore.

Back at home we wouldn't have this problem as its cold enough even on some summer nights to likely kill one of these ugly and scary looking guys.

In Florida however the climate is perfect for these monsters from the past to not only live but to multiply into what many believe are tens of thousands!

The attached is from one of Florida's newspapers covers the story.

How Florida Got The Iguana Bug!

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