Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 31 – Tuesday October 1st, 2013 – Rhode Island to Norwalk CT.

Last night as I sat outside the Motorhome I watched the stars wondering if someone back home was watching the same ones? 

As I pondered this I could hear the waves crashing onto the nearby shoreline. 
The waves crashing at Newport, Rhode Island.
Ahhh another State Park. I love these parks. The only thing missing was a campfire.

Up and at em at 0800 hours this morning but we still didn’t get away until noon! The story of our lives. Actually knowing it was just a short drive today we didn’t rush.
Camped in Rhode Island - Fisherman's Memorial State Park
We got to talk with our oldest Daughter and two Grandsons on Skype today! That is always a treat for us - talking with our children!

Its amazing how fast those little guys grow when you are away from them for only a month. Our oldest (2 years+) even said Good Morning to us, I hadn’t heard him say that before and it made us a bit homesick. 

We love Skype, it’s a great way to communicate when on the road and what’s even better is it is free with video too!
The internet Jet Pack that I mentioned a few days ago.
It's small enough to fit into your pants pocket!
We hit the Freeway #95 and headed for CT (Connecticut) to prepare for our journey into the Big Apple, NYC. A beautiful day, hardly a cloud and the weather is going our way, temperatures were into the 90’s.
A quick roadway peek at New Haven CT.

NYC is now only 40 miles away!
Close to an hour before we got stopped on our two hour trek today I could tell we were getting closer to NYC. The traffic started to pick up and the freeway got wider. Finally we saw a road sign indicating it was only 47 miles to NYC! (I wonder if they measure to the centre of the city?). 

That mileage sign was a few miles back before we stopped. Here we see road signs for different roads heading in to the Big Apple.

We tried one Wal-Mart but believe it or not it was too small! So we found another one 7 miles away and although smaller than what we are used to we found a spot and the Manager said we were good for the night. 
Another day, another Wal-Mart!
Welcoming home the Troops!
Barb had planned on taking some back roads once we got the rig set up at Wal-Mart so that she could explore and see the covered bridges, changing leaves and sights in the back country. She didn’t get away until around 6 pm which maybe a good thing as traffic here is heavy. Finally its starting to cool down a bit!

After we got set up I looked at the map and no wonder the traffic is heavy. Its all just one big city from here into NYC! 

I wonder if some of these people heading north are commuters from work in the big city? Along the Freeway we saw numerous signs for commuter trains and one indicated that it goes to the 9-11 Memorial site. L

Another RVer pulled in right beside us. An older retired couple from Maryland on their way back home from New England. We had a great visit. They told us that they couldn’t find a campground between here and New York. They had never camped in a Wal-Mart before so I gave them the low-down. 

They looked at me a little funny when I told them where we were heading tomorrow.
Tomorrow's Trek into the Big Apple
Norwalk (Top right corner) down to Jersey City
(Bottom about 1" from the left side)
Double Click Photo to Make Larger
Barb said she would figure out the proper route to get into Jersey City where our Liberty Harbour RV Campground is located. 

We will be right across the water from the Statue of Liberty and the 9-11 Site. 
Our campground is near Liberty State Park in the green area.
We can take the Ferry across the Hudson River into Manhattan.
As I sit here right now I can hear Jets coming in for a landing and I expect its for one of New York’s airports. 

Right now we are just across from Long Island, although I can’t see it from here in the Wal-Mart parking lot. 

It is hard to believe that 9-11 is already 12 years ago. It seems just like yesterday when it happened. To hear these planes flying in gives me the willy’s just thinking about it.

When in larger centres we find it helpful in our travels to find the tour buses. We call them the Big Red Bus as most of them are just that. So once we get parked tomorrow we are going to try and do that right away if we can. The reason why we do it first is that once we find things we want to go back and see on our own time it is easier to do. That’s how we will spend the next few days. We will be in NYC Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights.

The reason why I didn’t go touring with Barb here was because of NYC. 
I wanted some time off to relax. I really haven’t done that much and thought it would be a good idea before going into the big one! 

We just clicked past 5000 miles today (8000 kms) and it is catching up to me. I can feel it most every day now, I am getting tired. 

We fly home a week today from Charlotte, North Carolina for one week. I’m looking forward to that change of pace and a rest at home and as well with our friends in Charlotte when we get back.

I might not have time to post for a couple of days now.

Please pray for our safe journey into the Big Apple tomorrow!
Thank you & Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim,
    Like to know what was your latest Walmart before entering NY. If the size is good for you we can make it as well. Have dun in the big Apple.🌟
    Regards to Barb, hans & els


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